
World of Revilo Campaign Setting & Bestiary for 5E DND.

Created by Creature Curation

Revilo is a campaign setting for 5E DND that includes new player races, new sub-classes, new monsters, new magic items and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Updates & Revilo Con Part II
over 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 08:30:30 AM

Hello Trusty Backers!


As of right now, there are still a handful of packages that have not arrived at their final destinations. There are approximately 19 packages outside of the US that I am waiting to hear back on. Some of the items look like they should have shipped already, but I do not see tracking numbers yet, so I am going to assume they have not yet gone out yet.

In the US, there are 8 packages that are either in-transit or are not registering in the USPS system. At the end of the week, I will reassess these items and re-ship any that may have somehow mysteriously vanished in the mail. Before I can do that though, I am waiting for the remaining copies to arrive at my storage unit. 

There have been a few issues with items missing or damaged. If this happens to you, please email me at [email protected]. I will make sure to get things sorted out.

On to Revilo Con

Badge sales are now officially open for the inaugural Revilo Con! Get Yours Here
Want to share in the experience of Revilo? There is no better place than at this online con! There will be RPGs, Panel Discussions, and hangout sessions.

Right now only badge sales and event submissions are open. The badges come with more than just access to the event. The two badge levels include an exclusive Revilo Con 2020 Enamel Pin, and the Explorer badge also includes the Revilo Con 2020 Shirt!

Want to Run a Game?
Yes, we are looking for GMs to run some games in Revilo and already have a handful of pre-made scenarios if you don't want to come up with your own adventure. Please submit early, so that we can schedule as many games as possible. You also get perks for being a GM, check them out here.

Have Questions? Reach out on Discord here

As always, thank you for being awesome! 


Shipping Updates & Revilo Con
over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 03:29:24 PM

Hello Trusty Backers!!!

As of right now we are down to about 8% of you who are still waiting on your packages to arrive. For those of you in the remaining 8%, I am very sorry yours still have yet to arrive. Hopefully everything will be settled by the end of next week.

Missing Items & Damaged Goods

I've had a few emails about missing items or items damaged in transit. If this has happened to you, I want to make it right. Please email me at [email protected]. I am currently waiting on the remaining items to arrive to me in Georgia from the fulfillment company. Once it gets here I will personally send out anything that needs to be addressed.

Save the Date!

Now that books are arriving, I want to officially invite you to Revilo Con! 

This will be an online convention for running and playing games set in Revilo. We will hopefully be opening up submissions for games at the end of next week. We will be looking for GMs to help weave new stories into the setting! So if you have ideas for a one-shot, now is the time to get things going.

More details will be announced next week. 

Thanks for being a part of Revilo! 


Shipping Update 9.11.20
over 3 years ago – Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 11:54:34 AM

Today is a good day.

By the end of the day today, all US orders should be in the mail!!!!

European backers, all orders should be delivered within the next week. They are already in transit!!!!

Everyone else, Saturday your tracking info should get loaded into the fulfillment company's system!

Keep an eye out for emails from Expert Express. This is the fulfillment company and a number of backers have been getting notified about their shipments through their system.

On top of that, it's my birthday... so I'm thrilled that all items are in transit to you. Next week I will have the remaining items shipped to me so that I can handle any issues that may come up from current shipments. 

If you run into any problems with your order please email me at [email protected] 

What's Next?

I had originally planned that the next book would be a deeper dive into Murk's Hollow. However, that is proving to take longer than I had thought and it really needs more time to be the best it can be. Instead, the next book will fill out the Floating Forest adventure series. Originally those adventures were planned to be a trilogy. We are working on finishing it and making it into one cohesive book that includes items from Fang & Tooth Tavern as well as Treachery at the House of Knowledge. I want it to be a hardcover that will look great next to the Campaign Setting & Bestiary, and fit inside the slipcase for those who have it. Alongside that, the printed first issue of our comic Thailia's Quest will be part of that launch. To keep up with all that we are working on, join us in our Discord server here

I can't wait to hear about what you bring to your games from Revilo, please let us know what you think once you've had a chance to play!

As always, you are awesome. Thank you so much for being a part of bringing Revilo to tables everywhere!


Weekly update 09.03.20
over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 11:18:58 AM

Hello Trusty Backers!

I come to you a day early this week because I wanted to share a video on how to prepare your Bestiary Pawns, if you ordered them. 

Why now you ask?

The fulfillment company is showing 70% Shipped!!! That's right! We are getting closer and closer to everyone having their rewards. I haven't gotten my weekly update from them yet, but that is what it shows in their system. So, with the thought of you possibly receiving your items soon, I thought it would be good to go ahead and make this video. 

If you have any questions please reach out here or through our Discord server here.

Thank you!!!


Shipping Update 8.28.20
over 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 01:18:33 PM

Hello Trusty Backers, 

It is time for our weekly shipping update. There has been a little bit of progress over the past week. Overall, about 20% of physical rewards have been shipped out. 

Canada Backers – All orders should be delivered. If you have not received your order please let me know.

US Backers – The warehouse did not have boxes set to the proper size to start packing up the larger orders. They have shipped smaller orders and said they should have everything shipped within 1-2 weeks.

Rest of the World – Some orders have been sent out and orders going to Europe are en route to the UK for further disbursement. I'm waiting on a more detailed breakdown and hope to have it before the next update.

If you have received your items, please let us know!

Thank you,
