
World of Revilo Campaign Setting & Bestiary for 5E DND.

Created by Creature Curation

Revilo is a campaign setting for 5E DND that includes new player races, new sub-classes, new monsters, new magic items and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Update
over 4 years ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 07:54:51 PM

Hello trusty backers!

I just wanted to reach out and let you know that we are working on the content for the project and will have a more formal update soon. Isaac and I returned from GenCon early Monday evening and I have been playing catch up ever since. 

To everyone who came by our booth and told me that you backed the project, THANK YOU!!!! It was a fantastic show and the love of Revilo continues to grow in our amazing community.

Above are some of the new creatures that Carey has illustrated. They are really looking stunning! 

I am also at work finishing BackerKit. I should have that ready to go in a week or two. Once that is done I will make a pretty calendar for deliverable expectations so you can know when you should expect to see more content from us. 

If you couldn't make it out to GenCon, below is a photo of me happily working the booth.

Thank you,


Survey Sent to Estimate Shipping Costs
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 10:57:06 PM

Hello trusty backers!!!

First off happy D&D Day (the birthday of Gary Gygax)!

Today seemed like an appropriate day for a quick update. 


These are not the final, real surveys where you will get to pick out all of your goodies.  In working with our fulfillment centers and shipping partners we want to get the pricing as close as possible for each and every one of you. So please fill out the survey that should have come through Kickstarter so we can make sure we are pricing things properly.


Part of the creative team behind this project will be at GenCon. I (Brian) will be working the Creature Curation booth #1458, and Isaac will be working the Norse Foundry booth #261. Be sure to come by and let us know you are one of the amazing people that joined our quest!


We have been so busy post-kickstarter and pre-GenCon that we will be making a big update once we return. 


Before we launched the Kickstarter we created the Explorers of Revilo club. Each month we release pdfs for our members. Some of the content will be in the Kickstarter materials, some may see print at a later date or never at all. It lets us and the club members continue to explore Revilo on a monthly basis. And starting next month we will have a mini-adventure too! You still have 3 days left to get this month's downloads.

Here are this month's items:

Print & Play NPCs, Monsters, & Magic Items: Doralt the Karkathian (new), Ancestral Horn (new), Dire Horvath (in bestiary), Satakas (in bestiary)

Playable Race: Karkatian (new)

Location: Fallen Karkragg Pridehold (new)

Thank you for being a part of this!


Thank you!!!!!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 08:14:11 PM

THANK YOU <3!!!!

Because of you we are able to make the dream of bringing our campaign setting to print a reality.

You might want to go pour yourself a drink. Coffee, bourbon, soda, whatever works for you, but I’m gonna cover a lot of details and I want to make sure you are comfortable while you’re reading.

Again, thank you. You are awesome!


It is going to take Kickstarter two weeks to process the funds and get them over to us. During that time, keep your eyes peeled on your Kickstarter emails just in case they have any issues with charging your card.

Now that the Kickstarter is over we have opened a pre-order store. Why? We’re hoping more people will want to explore Revilo with us. Any money we raise in the pre-order store will go towards stretch goals… so tell your friends!


After we get the money from Kickstarter, we will send out Backerkit surveys. This will allow you to select any add-ons you’ve been eyeing and even add a few more that were not featured on the Kickstarter page. 

IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!  Any new add-ons need to be paid for in Backerkit, including ALL shipping. These payments will not be charged until we are closer to being done with production. We will give you a month’s notice to make sure you have the money to spend. 

Why are you having us fill out Backerkit and not charging yet? 

We are a small company and we wish to get our numbers as close as we can for manufacturing purposes, so will not have a lot of extra stock. The closer we can be to estimating actual production numbers, the more art, writing, and editing we can include in this overall project. 


In about 2 weeks when the Kickstarter funds come through, you will receive an update. It will include info about Backerkit as well as an updated timeline for when we estimate everything to be done. We will then send updates based on that schedule.


You can reach out on Discord here

Or you can email [email protected]


That is awesome, and thanks for saying so! We do have a Patreon account where we release new Revilian NPCs, monsters, magic items, and playable races. Between now and when your printed books arrive, we will focus on content that will not be in the Campaign Setting or Bestiary. Each month you can get additional Revilo content that may or may not go into publications later. Become an explorer of Revilo today! 


Last but not least, our good friends over at Nerdarchy have a great Kickstarter for Out of the Box adventures going on right now. Click the image and back their project!

Until the next update –

Brian & the Creature Curation Crew!

THANK YOU!!! Onward to more adventures!
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Jul 07, 2019 at 10:46:48 AM

You will have to excuse our delay, we were busy celebrating hitting the funding goal!!!

Thank you so much for being a part of bringing Revilo and it's inhabitants to so many people's tables. We have a lot more planned, please help spread the word so we can reach a bunch of stretch goals. 12 more days to make a lot of magic happen!


Outside of the behind-the-scenes work this week we have a ton going on. 

WEDNESDAY AT 2PM EST – Brian Colin live on WorldAnvil

WorldAnvil is currently running their Summer Camp to encourage more people to write and worldbuild over the the month of July. They will be interviewing me about all things Revilo here. Please join us then!

FRIDAY AT 8PM EST – Actual Play on Nerdarchy

Our friends over at Nerdarchy are having us on to run a Revilo one-shot on Friday night! Grab some Salazarite Swill and some snacks to hunker down and experience one small slice of the setting! Check their YouTube channel Friday at 8 to tune in.


Yesterday we received a sample of the new Revilo Spellbooks from Elderwood Academy!

It is so awesome, we LOVE IT so much! If you want to add one to your existing pledge you will just need to increase your total pledge amount. Once we finish the campaign and move into Backerkit, you will be able to select all the goodies you want shipped to you!

We have more add-ons in the works and will hopefully announce those over the next week.

Thank you so much for supporting our quest! We wouldn't be able to do this without you!

– Brian & the Creature Curation Crew!


While scouring Kickstarter for other fun projects we found Moxy & Zen's D&D map themed underwear. Nothing says you are ready to roll some dice like having adventure maps on your underwear!

99% Funded, Live Stream Tonight, and Stretch Goals!!!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 06:02:45 PM

Hello and happy Friday adventurers! 

First off, a HUGE THANK YOU! We are sitting at 99% and still have 2 weeks to go! That says lots of stretch goals are within our grasp! Below are our first 4 of them. Each one adds more content to the existing products! We have a ton more planned, so hopefully we will tear through these as more people learn about Revilo.


This evening on Norse Foundry's YouTube channel, we'll be doing a live-stream with Dino who has backed the project at the Character Development & Original Art tier. We will be working through his ideas for an important character within Revilo. After we are done we will open it up for some Q&A if you have any questions. You will get a look behind the curtain at this world-building event!


For non-major announcements will will be posting in the Discord channel to not clog up the Kickstarter. If you haven't already joined the Discord, you can do it here

Thank you for supporting our project!

Brian and the Creature Curation Crew